Friday, August 27, 2010

Uncomfortable Goals are Idealic

This evening I'm taking my first initiatives to begin really playing the piano.

It's one of those things that you keep promising yourself you'll do every time you have a heart palpitation thinking about unleashing your right brain to explode in whichever medium is most appealing. Well, my fingers are ready to manifest whatever crazy hormone concoctions are being tested and created in my noggin.

At the moment, I want to take a pop song (any generation and genre is up for grabs) and contort it into something simple, elegant and a bit sprattled with musical harmonies. Basically, create something that my fellow dancers would use for a warm up or a short piece (whether they actually use it will be up for debate b/c when/if I finally achieve this personal goal, it more than likely will stay hidden and checked in my bucket list).

This could be crazy talk... but sometimes making yourself uncomfortable and putting it out there is the way to hold yourself accountable for the completion part.

The best part about being human is that I can change my mind at anytime. :-)

Here's to scary (and slightly insignificant to life's big picture) personal goals!


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