Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

I'm about an 60 minuets out from the last year of my twenties!

I'm actually excited about my thirties because there big dreams ahead... children, a new house, vacations, income, new ideas and things to be passionate about!

Until then, I'm going to make the single last year of my twenties fabulous! My goals are listed below to wrap up this amazing decade and usher myself into the next.

1. Conserve Water: I will strive to stay away from plastic water bottle and only use Stainless Steel water bottles. (However, I have two plastic water bottles that I've been reusing... I'm thinking I'll continue to use those two until it's time to recycle them.... and then I'm done.)

2. Become more Grounded: My goal here is to be comfortable in my skin and mind no matter what situation I'm in or what location I'm in (earlier this evening a group of my gorgeous dance dolls mentioned to me that I was already grounded... although I appreciate their kind words, there's always room for improvement). My guess is that I need to embrace my trusty backpack, pre-packed snacks, inspiring materials, etc. My biggest challenge will be learning not to 'project' or worry about things that do not directly impact my life. In addition, I will have to be conscious of when I'm judging others and stop myself.

3. Maximize Life: I will use the modo, "If I can, then I must" (on legal things, of course). This will ensure that I'm gaining all of the experiences that life has decided to put in front of me. I'll just have fun!

I'm grateful for the beautiful people in my life! 29 is surely to be an amazing year!!!

Happy (Joy filled) Birthday to me!

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